Saturday, August 31, 2019

Is Children’s Development a Universal Staged Process or a Social and Cultural Process?

There are three main approaches to child development, the scientific, the social constructionist and the applied approach. Each of these approaches look at children’s development from a different stand point. I will go on to explore each approach in turn and how they can help us answer the above question. The scientific approach to child development seeks to explain the facts about child development. It does this by devising theories which are then tested through observations and experiments. A classic example of this is Jean Piaget (1896-1890) who was one of the most influential theorists in child development. Piaget built up a theory about how children’s thinking developed; this is usually referred to as his theory on Cognitive development. He proposed that children do not gradually increase their thinking capacity but that they go through a series of stages or transformations in their thinking. Piaget (1932) proposed that there are 4 main stages in a children’s development; sensor-motor (approximately 0-2yrs), pre-operational (approximately 2-6 yrs), concrete operational (approximately 6-12 yrs) and formal operational (12 yrs and over). His approach can be seen today in how the curriculum is sequenced in schools and in the rise of children’s centres across the UK. Piaget used many similar experiments to support his theory. Examples are, children were asked to compare balls of plasticine after one had been rolled into a sausage; another was for children to compare rows of counters where one row had been stretched into a longer line. In each case the younger children appeared to reason that the amount of counters or plasticine had also changed. (Light and Oates, 1990, PP. 101-106). He was trying to show that children aren’t less cognitively developed than adults but they actually think differently. In many of Piaget’s experiments he tried to show how & at what stage do children see things from another’s point of view. One very famous experiment was a construction of a model of 3 mountains. The largest gray and snow capped, the middle sized brown with a red cross on it and the smallest was green with a house on top. Children were then asked to sit on one side of the model with a doll at the opposite side. They were asked to arrange three pieces of cardboard shaped like the mountains. They they were asked to chose the doll’s view from 10 pictures and finally what the doll would see from other view points. Children younger than about 7 were unable to see things from another view point. Piaget’s claims were bold and his theories and experiments have been criticized by developmental theorists. Developmental theorists now recognise that a child’s development is far more complex than the 4 stages Piaget supported. Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987) used Piaget’s stage of development as a starting point to suppose a theory about children’s moral development. He used moral dilemmas to study how children develop the capacity to make moral judgments. Kholberg (Kholberg 1967) proposed that there are 6 stages or levels to a child’s moral development, these are grouped into 3 levels with 2 stages in each; preconventional, conventional and principled. It is extremely rare to progress back in stages and each stage must be completed to move onto the next as each stage is more complex than the last. In Kholberg’s experiments children were given moral dilemmas about right and wrong to discover at what stage a child reaches different levels of cognitive capacity. Kholberg and his team started testing 75 boys in the US and went back and tested them at intervals as they grew into adulthood. However, this was not a cross section of US children as no girls were tested. The data from these scientific studies can be used to assess when a child knows right from wrong. These and similar techniques are used today to carry out assessments for courts deciding whether a child can be held criminally responsible. The social constructionist view of child development looks at the ways that childhood is experienced in different situations and circumstances. Different cultures, religions and social economic conditions have different expectations and beliefs around childhood. These have also been different throughout history. For example in Victorian Britain, children were expected to work in the home, field, streets or in factories. However in modern Britain we expect our children to spend much of their childhood learning at school. Another example is, Maya’s (U212 Video 1, band 1) experiences of childhood in the poor area Chittagong being different to the twins Yasir and Yamin’s experiences in middle class Chittagong. Each have different expectations of their roles within society according to their social boundaries, gender, family and beliefs. Central to the social constructionist approach is the concept of competing discourses of childhood. A discourse is a particular way of thinking or a particular view point that is influenced by our gender, language, history, beliefs, experiences and social boundaries. There are numerous discourses but a romantic discourse sees children as inherently good; a child would only do terrible things if damaged in some way. Contrary to this is the puritanical discourse which sees the child as inherently evil, doing evil things because they are wicked and need punishing. Using the social constructionist view allows us to recognise that a child who is a killer can be seen through these two very different discourses either needing therapy or needing punishment. Social constructionists are not about applying facts and time frames to child development, neither is it just about there being different ‘realities’ created by the way people think and make sense of children. It goes far deeper by exploring what these different ‘realities mean in terms of our moral consequences, what we expect, what we believe our outcomes can be and more importantly what our outcomes can’t be, what is hidden from our view and what we are prevented from doing by our constructed society. Rex Stainton Rogers (1992) says of a socially constructed world: ‘But what about childhood?†¦ For example. The children of Longwitten have come to understand that they ‘have to go to school’, that the human made ‘thing’ down the road is a school, that certain activities belong in he classroom, and others in the playground, and so on. The social world works because we share common understandings. ’ Stanton Rogers says (1992) that it is taken for granted that children will go to school and that this appears normal and the right thing to do in our socially constructed world, and that sometimes we fail to question or imagine anything els e outside of this. The third approach is the applied approach. This focuses on practical issues of childhood such as how should we parent out children, what support and services might we need in order to protect them. The applied approach relies on both the scientic and social constructionist approaches when applying theory and research to social policy, the law and professional practise. I have already looked at the romantic and puritan discourses. The romantic discourse believes that children are naturally good, therefore children who commit crime should be rehabilitated which Stuart Asquith (1996) describes as the Welfare model and the puritan discourse the ‘Justice’ model. The welfare model looks at children who do wrong as doing so because they have been mistreated / deprived or having been disadvantaged in some way. These children need nurturing and need our care to overcome these disadvantages. The Justice model looks as children as being responsible when they reach an age where they can be held partially accountable for their crimes. These children need to be treated as criminals and punished accordingly. Asquith’s applied approach draws on both the scientific aspects of children’s moral development and the social constructionist view on how culture and society affect us as humans.. In looking at all three approaches it is clear that they are all complex and interplay greatly with each other. The scientific approach concentrates on identifying universal stages of children’s development. These are a series of stages which all children pass through from immaturity to maturity. The danger is that these can result in a picture of a universal child which is mainly based on a western culture. There is scientific research to determine when a child can be morally responsible for a crime and scientific research has produced lots of data on what reformatory regimes appear to work for young offenders. But we must remember that the child is not a passive participant in this research. The outcomes will depend on both the researchers and child’s social constructions of their worlds. In contrast the social constructionists’ view is that immaturity and maturity are complex constructs that we have made for ourselves depending on a whole range of outside influences, these will be different for each one of us. Children do not develop autonomously from culture and society and take many different routes to maturity depending on many things including gender, culture, religion, and their social and economic circumstances in which they find themselves.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Child Labor Since the Industrial Revolution Essay

Child labor has changed dramatically since the time of the industrial revolution. Teens everywhere can now have part time jobs that aren’t hazardous to their health and follow strict child labor laws. Although pretty much all our ancestors weren’t so lucky. During n the Industrial Revolution there were no child labor laws. The factory owners just saw it as jobs that could be done by anyone, and grown men would not stand for such low pay so who better than children who are just as happy with pennies and nickels. Children working in factories didn’t just have to deal with low income they also had horrid working conditions, health hazards, low wages, long hours worked per day, and almost every day worked per week. Child Labor had existed long before the Industrial Revolution; children were usually forced to work in family farms or as servants. But it wasn’t until the Industrial Revolution that children were forced into factories with horrid working conditions. These kids would often work 10-12 hours a day, and also had to deal with constant abuse from superiors who demanded faster production. Children as young as four were employed to work in coal mines. Conditions were dangerous very dangerous in the coal mines, many children developed lung cancer and other diseases and died before the age of 25, while others died from gas explosions. Some children were employed as â€Å"scavengers† by cotton mills, their jobs would be to climb under machinery to pick up cotton, some died from being crushed under the machines, and some lost hands or even limbs. After reports of these atrocities became widespread politicians and the government tried to limit child labor by law, but factory owners resisted; some felt that they were aiding the poor by giving their children money to buy food to avoid starvation, and others simply welcomed the cheap labor. The English governments’ efforts only led to the limit of 10 hours of work per day for children but working conditions were still atrocious. In the 21st century there are many regulations that have drastically improved safety and limits on child workers in the U.  S. The minimum age for â€Å"Non-Hazardous† work is 14, and for agricultural work that age is dropped to 10-11 years old with parental consent on farms not regulated by minimum wage requirements, and 12-13 years old just with parental consent. The laws on today’s limit on hours of employment are as follows: No work during school hours, on school days: 3 hours/day, 18 hours/week maximum, when school is out of session: 8 hours/day, 40 hours/week with at least 30 minute s of break time included each day. These laws helped to keep hours of work limited to ensure more time for school and other activities. There have also been laws for minimum wage that a teen can receive for work. Federal Minimum is $7. 25 per hour as of 7/24/09 youth minimum is $4. 25 per hour for employees under 20 years of age during their first 90 consecutive calendar days of employment with an employer. In today’s working world hazards teens will face while working are limited to just slipping on wet floors, minor burns, and small cuts. Granted this is if most safety precautions are carried out and it was accidental. So far no child worker has been exposed to any harmful diseases while working, during the 21st century. The managers overseeing children working are very helpful and are punished by law if they harass or physically injure any employees. Since the Industrial revolution the ages of child workers have changed from as young as 4 to, at the very least, 10. Child workers today are no longer allowed to work 12 or 14 hours a day, instead there are strict laws that allow for a thirty minute break everyday and no more than 18 hours of work per week. Minimum wage has been changed from pennies and nickels to $7. 25 since the Industrial Revolution. Teems working nowadays are ensured by workers compensation and serious injuries are rare because of safety precautions taken; as opposed to frequent diseases, serious injuries, and even death that were reported in the Industrial Revolution. Thankfully many changes have ensured the health and safety of child workers today. I am personally thankful for these laws and regulations because as of next week I will be working at Panera Bread and it is nice to know that I am safe as a working teen.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Divorce: Marriage and Progressive Beautiful Life

Divorce is common nowadays, nobody seems to take care or know its problems and its issues after divorcing. It is bad for couple to divorce if they have children, in fact that will be a bad result for them to take care of them with their hard life after the divorce. The divorce is the most serious social problem that affect almost the entire life of the children and the couple, it also makes troubles like: sadness, despair, children, and unforgettable moments. The issue is continuing and never stop easily which generates a huge sadness and despair for both sides the couple and the relatives. People usually divorce because they think that they can't be together to continue their life for some behavior reasons. Therefore, couples feel painful and harder to live than before, and the child doesn’t have any idea about the sudden issue that enters the fear in their hearts. Moreover, some parents hesitate to split up when they have children, and won't split up instantly which gives them leisure to choose the right choice. Parents who don’t have children don’t hesitate and decide to split up immediately, and choose the wrong choice to eliminate their life. As a result, they regret for the useless chosen way to split up, and the remorse will mostly last forever in hearts. In conclusion, the divorce has a lot of troubles according the misery, which damage the children and the beautiful life. People have to mind it as a serious problem that they should handle it, whether they are going to divorce or not. To lead them to a progressive beautiful life that make everyone happy and weal, a lot of divorce situations has been eliminated in a positive result that keep their life with no problems before they start splitting up. Consequently parents and children will never think of divorce, and they will have a beneficial life which keep them in a safe aspect.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Substitution and Income Effects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Substitution and Income Effects - Essay Example In this essay, the conception of income as well as substitution effect has been clearly portrayed and certain significant scenarios have been taken into concern on the basis of which the implication of the income or the substitution effect or both the effects will be depicted in the discussion. The researcher discusses six different scenarios, such as Drove Less and Purchased Less Gasoline, You Ate Out Less Often, You Took Public Transportation More Often, You Bought a Bicycle, You Did Not Take a Vacation Away From Home and You Bought Fewer Clothes and Made Due with More around the Home and provides a detailed analysis of each one. The researcher also demonstrates his analysis with graphical portrayals. The researcher then concluds that the valuable conceptions that include income as well as substitution effects are associated with the subject matter of macroeconomics and pose significant influence upon the demand of a particular buye. The consequences due to the effect of income alo ng with substitution effect also play an imperative part in determining the budget factor by a considerable extent. The role and the outcome of both the effects have been depicted on the basis of the provided situation that is based upon the theory of purchasing power of the consumers or buyers. The application of the individual as well as the combined effects i.e. income as well as substitution effects have also been performed in each of the scenario in order to justify the purchasing power of the buyers or consumers.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What is the meaning of the title how do pride and prejudice influence Essay

What is the meaning of the title how do pride and prejudice influence the novel how does the title change the way for you read the novel would it seem difference it was called something else - Essay Example The words â€Å"Pride† and â€Å"Prejudice† have been used to title the novel. Pride literally is a manifestation of pleasure by an individual after an accomplishment while prejudice is a show of contempt towards an individual or a group. In the novel ‘Pride and Prejudice’, the terms â€Å"pride†; â€Å"prejudice,† have extensively been employed to show emphasis on the behaviors, cultures, and the characteristics of the main and supporting characters (Austen and Bloom 56). The title of this novel (Pride and Prejudice), to some extent makes the content of the novel predictable. In the plot, prejudice and pride are manifested both by the main characters Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy as well as the supporting characters Jane Bennet and Mr. Bingley. Contrastingly, the protagonists manifest their pride or prejudice in a more direct manner as compared to the minor characters, who to some extent are unpredictable, and portray their pride or prejudice by influence as opposed to direct involvement (Austen and Thomson 77). Practically, in the plot, the main characters antagonize in fulfillment of the title of the novel; as Elizabeth Bennet manifests prejudice through her character, Mr. Darcy shows the character of an individual who is both proud of himself as well as where he comes from. The fulfillment of the title is shown by the main characters in the first chapter (Austen and Thomson 98). In the first chapter, Elizabeth’s elder sister Jane, falls in love with a rich individual in the character of Mr. Bingley. Seemingly, Jane and Mr. Bingley are destined for marriage, but not until prejudice and prides are threatening the advancement of their relationship. In the relationship between Jane and Mr. Bingley, it is evidenced that the social status of either is considered an essential factor before finalizing their matrimonial union. With a wide social gap between them, people convince Mr. Bingley that Jane does not love him when actually Mr. Bingley’s family

Monday, August 26, 2019

John Quincy Adams Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

John Quincy Adams - Article Example One of his journal entries at forty-five is a statement filled with reflection upon a continuous personal struggle with insecurity as the country’s president passionately endeavored to resolve his own indifference in serving and shaping the American nation based on convictions established by his roots. To JFK, even if this meant desertion by the Federalist Party, his depicts a real story of unusual courage, a point when a reader shifts perspective from the common view of a heroic political figure but one may readily admit that the bravery shown through the profile of Adams is by itself justified. It truly takes a huge amount of courage to be able to convey imperfections across a multitude who are in typical recognition of flawless leaders only. One of his journal entries at forty-five is a statement filled with reflection upon a continuous personal struggle with insecurity as the country’s president passionately endeavored to resolve his own indifference in serving and shaping the American nation based on convictions established by his roots. To JFK, even if this meant desertion by the Federalist Party, his depicts a real story of unusual courage, a point when a reader shifts perspective from the common view of a heroic political figure but one may readily admit that the bravery shown through the profile of Adams is by itself justified. It truly takes a huge amount of courage to be able to convey imperfections across a multitude who are in typical recognition of flawless leaders only. Daniel Webster As an ideal example of a man with an authentic word of honor, Pres. J. F. Kennedy paid tribute as well to Daniel Webster who did not cease at aiming to win favor for the cause of the Union while working to impede the natural course of the Civil War. Like the few other notable profiles, Webster occurs to be characterized in Kennedy’s creation as a man who deserves even the reverence of the modern world for taking grave risks in the act of unifying the States at the expense of his profession and the economy attached to it. In all eloquence, D. Webster expressed his determination to pursue his undaunted convictions toward the preservation of the Union to the extent of not receiving a due acknowledgment after tedious hours of dedicated speech and as if he were constantly at the frontline of the stiff rivalry between the irreconcilable South and North. One evidently identifies in his case one of JFK’s most admired traits, as firmly standing for what the man co nsiders as his sense of fervent and unbreakable truth. This had been adequately manifested in Webster’s manner of persuasion in tone or his astounding presence of spirit and verbal delivery that could be felt spontaneously radiating from out of a solid core or a well-integrated whole where mind and heart are a single entity so that audience at the time acquired the impression that ‘he looked like one, talked like one, was treated like one, and insisted he was one (Kennedy 53).’Â  

The Oresund Bridge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Oresund Bridge - Essay Example In this case, people or basically the target audience of this bridge has the option of the ferry available. A rise in the prices will lower the demand for the bridge by a larger ratio as people will prefer to travel by ferry. Similarly, a fall in price will increase the demand by a larger ratio because more people would be able to afford it now. The second factor is that people like to travel from Denmark to Sweden, or vice versa, but they do not need it. Therefore people will only travel if the price is right, which is to say low. Whenever the price decreases, more people can afford it and this results in price elasticity. Q2) The Swedish government has estimated the price elasticity to be at -1.4. This has several implications for the traffic on the bridge. The Swedish government knows that first of all, an inverse relationship exists. This means that a decrease in price will definitely increase the demand and this can help the government in properly pricing it. The second implication is that any change in price will have 1.4 times the change on the demand. This means that for the government, it is beneficial to decrease the price to increase the demand. For example, if the government reduces the price by 10%, then it will result in a 14% increase in demand. Therefore, this information can be helpful in pricing the tickets for the bridge. Q3) This calculation of price elasticity of -1.4 is not beneficial in the long run because first of all, price elasticity tends to change overtime. Secondly, the government is thinking of changing the price and there is always different price elasticity for every pri ce level. Therefore if the price changes in the near future, then the price elasticity will change instantly. Lastly, advertisement campaigns play a huge role in changing the price elasticity, thus calculation is not useful in the long run. Case study 3.3: The Texas state bird Q1) PED= % Change in demand % Change in price Burbank-Oakland route PED= 120.68% =- 2.51 48% Kansas City-St. Louis route PED= 50.0% = 0.714 70.0% Q2) The above calculated price elasticity applies for the entire industry operating these routes. It does not specifically represent the price elasticity of Southwest Airlines because the values considered for the calculation are for the entire industry. This includes Southwest as well as its competitors. Q3) The Burbank-Oakland route has a high price elasticity of demand which means that the demand is price sensitive. The implication for the price setters is that these airlines should reduce the price of this route a little bit because this increases the demand by a great deal and increases the profitability. On the other hand, it must be kept in mind that the demand will decrease rapidly if the price of this route increases even by a little bit. If the price increases, then it will lower the demand by a large ratio and this will reduce the profits earned. Therefore this high price elasticity of demand can have very crucial implications for Southwest. (AmosWEB) Q4) Although the Kansas City-St. Louis route shows positive price elasticity, it may still prove to be profitable for Southwest to reduce their price. When a company reduces their prices or fares their market share increases and this often results in a long term profit. When Southwest will have a greater market share, they can change the prices according to their strategy. Also, although the price elasticity is positive, it is not at a high level and thus lowering the prices and making small short term losses is not a bad deal if it means increasing market share. Case study 5.1: Microso ft – increasing or diminishing returns? Q1) It is unlikely that a firm is experiencing increasing and diminishing return

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Applications of Operant Conditioning at School Essay

Applications of Operant Conditioning at School - Essay Example Operant conditioning can be defined as a type of learning in which voluntary (controllable; non-reflexive) behavior is strengthened if it is reinforced and weakened if it is punished (or not reinforced) 1 . It states that environmental contingencies or the environment's 'reaction' to an individual's behaviour controls that individual's behaviour. As an Undergraduate he was an English major, then decided to study Psychology in graduate school. Early in his career he believed much of behavior could be studied in a single, controlled environment (created Skinner box - address later). Instead of observing behavior in the natural world, he attempted to study behavior in a closed, controlled unit. This prevents any factors not under study from interfering with the study - as a result, Skinner could truly study behavior and specific factors that influence behavior. During the "cognitive revolution" that swept Psychology (discussed later), Skinner stuck to the position that behavior was not guided by inner force or cognition. This made him a "radical behaviorist". As his theories of Operant Conditioning developed, Skinner became passionate about social issues, such as free will, how they developed, why they developed, how they were propagated, etc. 1 Skinner state that actions that are followed by reinforcing consequences are more likely to re-occur, and that actions that are followed by unpleasant or punishing consequences are less likely to re-occur. Again this might seem deceptively simple. However, the theory becomes more complicated when one realizes that what constitutes punishment and reinforcement differs depending on the individual. Skinner also noted that the situation within which the learning took place had to be taken into account. In analyzing and trying to account for behaviour, the psychologist, as behavioural detective, needs to take into account the antecedent (what happens immediately before the behaviour), the behaviour, and the consequences of the behaviour. This method is known as the ABC approach (A for antecedent, B for behaviour and C for consequences). There are five basic processes in operant conditioning: positive and negative reinforcement strengthen behavior; punishment, response cost, and extinction weaken behavior 2. Positive Reinforcement The term reinforcement always indicates a process that strengthens a behavior; the word positive has two cues associated with it. First, a positive or pleasant stimulus is used in the process, and second, the reinforcer is added (i.e., "positive" as in + sign for addition). In positive reinforcement, a positive reinforcer is added after a response and increases the frequency of the response. 2 Negative Reinforcement The term reinforcement always indicates a process that strengthens a behavior; the word negative has two cues associated with it. First, a negative or aversive stimulus is used in the process, and second, the reinforcer is subtracted (i.e., "negative" as in a "-" sign for subtraction). In negative reinforcement, after the response the negative reinforcer is removed which increases the fre

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Describe the methods used to calculate value added. How does value Essay - 12

Describe the methods used to calculate value added. How does value added contribute towards understanding the connections between the business and its product markets - Essay Example The discussion will investigate different methods of calculating added market value, and determine how added market value contributes to an understanding towards the connection between the business and its products market. Within the overall framework of added market value, economist assert that value added calculation is crucial for classical business accounts. Economists interpret added market value as consisting of the ability to determine the business earnings while the turnover is not precise because the business expenses are not considered. In this perspective, value added is the subtraction of output (expenses) compared to the inputs. Therefore, outputs that are not produced by the business are not considered. Some economists calculate value added in both addictive and subtractive methods, (Berger, 1999, p.34). For instance, subtractive value added is estimated by subtracting material and services costs and from the revenue of sales. The added market value or benefits indicate revenue generation. Similarly, it can be evaluated by deducting the investment capital of the business from the business value. These represent the profit of the firm, or the total cash the organization has produced using the utilized cash. Addictive method determines value added by summing up price of labor (such as social charges) benefits from the operation and devaluation. This allows the firm to investigate the means of distributing the generated revenues. Addictive method also sums up the adjusted recorded value of equity and debts investments of the business, (Grant, 2003, p.28). These indicate the used money of the enterprise or the total cash utilized in the business. The increased method multiplies the amount of the marketplace share of stock by the accessible share numbers for public businesses. This establishes the firm’s market value, or the total amount of cash the firm can produce. If the enterprise is unknown, investigate

Friday, August 23, 2019

WE 5 AL &WE Response CRJ 545 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WE 5 AL &WE Response CRJ 545 - Essay Example It is clear that gathering enough evidence is the goal of any investigator. However, this cannot be achieved when an investigator(s) overlook some of the evidence such as impression evidence. Such evidence can help in identification of the perpetrator of any crime. For example, such kind of evidence may help in identifying the number of perpetrators and the place of entry and exit of the perpetrators. However, the impression evidence may exhibit some weaknesses. For example, even after gathering such evidence it will only be useful if the perpetrator is available for comparison purposes. The paper helps in highlighting various types of evidence that can be made available in the trial processes. The different types of evidence play a significant role in conviction or acquittal of the accused. One of special interest is the forensic evidence. I have realized that the forensic evidence requires strict handling before it is admissible in any trial process. Any mishandling of the evidence can lead to a person that is guilty being set free. Therefore, extra caution and attention is required when handling this type of evidence. The interview highlights a number of things in the collection and presentation of evidence. The interview has also highlighted several issues for a person that wants to pursue a career in crime investigation needs to know. First, the interview helps in showing the importance of science in conviction or acquittal of a person. For example, DNA technology has played a significant role in the trial of various cases. I have also realized that experience plays a significant role in relevance and collection of evidence. Moreover, it is clear that the medical examiner plays a crucial role in unraveling of murder cases. The paper plays a role in highlighting the essence of incorporating the traditional and modern ways of gathering and analyzing evidence. The latent print examiner has simplified the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Critical Analysis of Peter Singers Famine Affluence and Morality Essay Example for Free

Critical Analysis of Peter Singers Famine Affluence and Morality Essay In his article â€Å"Famine, Affluence and Morality† Peter Singer gives a seemingly devastating critique of our ordinary ways of thinking about famine relief, charity, and morality in general. In spite of that very few people have accepted, or at any rate acted on, the conclusions he reaches. In light of these facts one might say of Singer’s arguments, as Hume said of Berkeley’s arguments for immaterialism, that â€Å"†¦ they admit of no answer and produce no conviction.†[1] While I do think that Singer’s considerations show that people should do considerably more than most people actually do, they do not establish his conclusions in their full strength or generality. So his arguments admit of a partial answer, and once properly qualified may produce some conviction. In â€Å"Famine. Affluence, and Morality,† Peter Singer stresses the possible revisionary implications of accepting utilitarianism as a guide to conduct. He does not actually espouse utilitarianism in this essay, rather a cousin of utilitarianism. He observes, in the world today, there are many people suffering a lot, leading miserable lives, on the margin, prone to calamity whenever natural disasters or wars or other cataclysmic events strike. Many millions of people live on an income equivalent to one dollar a day or less. What, if anything, does morality say one should do about this? Singer proposes two principles—a stronger one he favors, a weaker one he offers as a fallback. The Strong Singer Principle: â€Å"If it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening, without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, we ought, morally, to do it.† The Weak Singer Principle: â€Å"If it is in our power to prevent something very bad from happening, without sacrificing anything morally significant, we ought, morally, to do it.† Consider the Strong Singer Principle. He explains that â€Å"by without sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance† I mean without causing anything else comparably bad to happen, or doing something that is wrong in itself, or failing to promote some moral good, comparable in significance to the bad thing that we can prevent.† From the first principle it follows that whether one should help those who are suffering or dying doesn’t depend on how close one is to them, unles s that makes helping them more difficult, because their distance from one does nothing to lessen their suffering. From both principles together, it follows that one’s obligation to help those who are suffering or dying doesn’t go away if other people who are also in a position to help them aren’t doing anything, because the presence of other people who do nothing is, in moral terms, no different from the absence of people who do something. Singer comments on this argument by adding that he could get by with a weaker version of the second principle, which would have â€Å"something of moral significance† in place of â€Å"something of roughly equal moral importance† (506). He also gives a hypothetical example of the second principle in action: If one is in a position to save a child drowning in a pond, one should rescue the child even though that means dirtying one’s clothes, because that is not a morally significant cost and the child’s death would be an extremely morally bad state of affairs (506).

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Bach (Acorus Calamus) Essay Example for Free

Bach (Acorus Calamus) Essay Bach or Sweet flag is thought to have originated in Central Asia and probably indigenous to India, found common in areas that surround the Himalayas. As a result of cultivation, it has spread throughout the globe, found across Europe, in southern Russia, northern Asia Minor, southern Siberia, China, Japan, Burma, Sri Lanka, Australia, as well as southern Canada and northern USA. Calamus has long been a symbol of male love. The name is associated with a Greek myth on Kalamos, son of the river-god Maeander. In Japan, the plant is a symbol of the samurais bravery because of its sharp sword-like leaves. Teton-Dakota warriors chewed the root to a paste, which they rubbed on their faces. It prevented excitement and fear when facing an enemy. In Penobscot homes, the root was cut and hung up. Steaming it throughout the home is thought to cure sickness. have also been used as a thatch for roofs. Food and Flavouring: An essential oil from the rhizome is used in perfumery and as food flavouring, it has a fragrance reminiscent of patchouli oil. An essential oil obtained from the leaves is used in perfumery and for making aromatic vinegars. Insect repellent: The essential oil is also an insect repellent and insecticide. It is effe c t i ve a ga i n st houseflies. When added to rice being stored in granaries it has significantly reduced loss caused by insect damage because the oil in the root has sterilized the male rice weevils. All parts of plant can be dried and used to repel insects or to scent linen cupboards. Incense: The leaves and the roots have refreshing scent of cinnamon. They can also be burnt as incense. Medicine: In Ayurvedic system of medicine, the rhizomes of Sweet flag are considered to possess anti-spasmodic, carminative and anthelmintic properties and have been used for a number of beneficial reasons. Vacha is considered as a sattvic herb which feeds and transmutes the sexual kundalini energy. It is forms a popular remedy for cough and cold and also the other respiratory disorders like bronchitis. In raw form it is used as cough lozenge. Sweet flag provides aid to the digestive system and acts against flatulent colic, dyspepsia, and vomiting. Acorus calamus depresses central nervous system and is a well known ingredient in formulation for psycho-somatic disorders like epilepsy. The vapours of Sweet flag repel some insects. THE PLANT Sweet flag is a perennial, semi-aquatic and smelly plant, found in both temperate and sub temperate zones. It is up to 2m tall, aromatic, sword-shaped leaves and small, yellow/green flowers with branched rhizome. Plants very rarely flower or set fruit, but when they do, the flowers are 3-8 cm long, cylindrical in shape, greenish brown and covered in a multitude of rounded spikes. The fruits are small and berry-like, containing few seeds. CULTIVATION Its a hardy plant found growing from tropical to sub-tropical climates. Plenty of sunshine should be available to the plant during its growth and after harvesting for drying the rhizomes. This species comes up well in clayey loams, sandy loams and light alluvial soils of river banks. The land should be ploughed twice or thrice prior to the onset of rains. Acorus is propagated through rhizomes obtained from earlier planting. The best time for planting is the second fortnight of June. The river or canal bank where the land is saturated with water is very suitable for its growth. Timely weeding and hoeing to control the spread of weeds and to obtain good yield is essential. After each weeding the growing plants are pressed down into the soil. After 6-8 months, in December, the lower leaves turn yellow and dry indicating their maturity. The field should be partially dried only leaving sufficient moisture for uprooting the plant. The uprooted rhizome is cleaned after washing with water and cut into size and fibrous roots removed. The cut rhizomes are dried by spreading under the shade so that the amount of oil present in it is not harmed. TRADE AND COMMERCE Sweet flag has been an item of trade in many cultures for thousands of years. Sweet flag forms a useful adjunct to other tonics and stimulants. Its domestic demand is quite large. As the production is much less in India, the internal market itself is highly potential. Importers, buyers within the country, processors, traditional practitioners, Ayurvedic and Siddha drug manufacturers throng the markets for procurement of this plant every year.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Disadvantages Of A System Of Subsidies Economics Essay

Disadvantages Of A System Of Subsidies Economics Essay Subsidy can be said has advantages and disadvantages to farmer and consumer. Subsidies granted to energy producers to develop more efficient for agriculture field. Government encourages an industry by reducing taxes. The government provides housing subsidy for the poor families. However, they may encourage inefficiency by relying more in the subsidy money that offered by the government. Raising the income while prices are rising will cause the final products to lose their competitiveness in the international market. Subsidy sometimes is difficult to decide on who may receive a subsidy and the government has poor information about the service and how much to subsidies. Table of Content: Contents Pages 1 Definition of subsidy 2 Advantages of a System of Subsidies from the Point of View of Farmer 3 Disadvantages of a System of Subsidies from the Point of View of Farmer 4 Advantages of a System of Subsidies from the Point of View of Consumer 5 Disadvantages of a System of Subsidies from the Point of View of Consumer 6 References Definition of Subsidy Economic benefits (such as allowances or tax rebate), or the benefits given by the government, groups or individuals are usually paid in cash or the form of tax cuts. Subsidies usually remove some type of burden to reduces cost of production and expansion to increase supply, maintain the income of the producers of certain products and maintain employment levels. One industry that commonly receives government subsidies is the agriculture industry. Agricultural subsidies are given to farmers in order to support its business because need to be ensure that countrys self-sufficiency in food supply. Government subsidies to farmers can take the form of capital (to ensure that they have enough money to invest in their own farm) or to purchase the excessive crop the warehouse after are filled. In addition, the government also indirectly subsidize the purchase of personal or family that we can common see such as allowing the a cheaper house built housing subsidies. By reducing the cost for low -income families, the government ensures that more families are in homes. It makes individuals in their attempt to find a stable job, and also provides more disposable income of poor families. Advantages of a System of Subsidies from the Point of View of Farmer Subsidy is an economic benefit that brings lot of advantages to farmer. In order to help the old and the new energy development and exploration, the federal government has the pursuit of these initiatives on corporate subsidies. Subsidies granted to energy producers to develop more efficient, more economical production and distribution process. For example, the government provides the agriculture subsidies to the farmer to improve their method of production. Most of the farmers do not have enough money to buy a new and modern machine to increase the speed of production. With the subsidies, they are able to use the money to buy a high technology machine to improve their production during their working times. It helps them a lot to save the cost of production and time. Improvement in technology will make supply increases. This is because the farmer has more efficiency to produce more agriculture products based on the demand of consumer. It can be seen in the graph below. Government subsidies of agricultural industrialization, can also take a less direct way. Government encourages industry, an industry or a certain product or new labor and employment taxes related to the reduction in the case of many wage and subsidy funds by reducing taxes. These types of subsidies usually are in the form of tax credits for specific industries. Therefore, although it may not have the same look directly provide funds and purchase the product, wage subsidies and capital still has the same purpose to provide additional funds to promote a particular industry such as farm subsidies make agricultural production more profitable by increasing and stabilize farm prices and incomes. Disadvantages of a System of Subsidies from the Point of View of Farmer Subsidy can be said will bring certain disadvantages to farmer and consumer. Farmer subsidies can be intended to be consumer-friendly and taxpayer-friendly. However, they may encourage inefficiency by relying more in the subsidy money that offered by the government.The farmer still can receive the subsidy that offered by the government even though their agriculture has no gain any profits. Farm subsidies also control the normal market cycle. Raising the income while prices are rising will eventually raise commercial and industrial costs, causing the final products to lose their competitiveness in the international market. For example, if the cost of production of tomatoes increases, the supply of tomatoes will decrease. In the graph above, we can see that the higher price of factors of production, higher cost of production, the supply of tomatoes decreases. This is because the producer cannot afford the higher cost due to the demand of tomatoes. The cash from farm subsidies prevent the normal fluctuation in price due to supply and demand. According to the Environmental Working Group Farm Subsidy Primer, this makes the price totally dependent on government intervention in addition to the payment of the disaster. Agricultural subsidies are to correct low crop prices, and increasing farmers incomes. With negative subsidies, farmers are encouraged not to produce a particular crop or product. Farm subsidies are benefits to help poor and trouble family farmers. Instead, they harm them by excluding them from most subsidies, financing the consolidation of family farms, and increasing land values to levels that prevent young people from entering farming. Subsidy sometimes is difficult to decide on who may re ceive a subsidy and the government has poor information about the service and how much to subsidies. Advantages of a System of Subsidies from the Point of View of Consumer The government provides funds for research and loans at favorable rates and repayment terms for the poor families. Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak adds 1Malaysia book voucher (Figure 1) for students from research institutions, universities previously from RM200 to RM250. Student who has been registered as higher education students need to write their name on the voucher to avoid the issue of abuse in voucher dealings. Its main purpose is to allow the higher education students better access to books and stationery that would help ease their burden throughout their studies.(New Straits Times Online) Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak also announced a half-month bonus, the civil service and the income tax is reduced by one percentage point to RM50, 000 of taxable income.( Budget 2013: Tax breaks, affordable housing and cash for the needy, The Star Online) Disadvantages of a System of Subsidies from the Point of View of Consumer It had been stated that the rich and the biggest beneficiaries of the enterprise, rather than the poor. The sugar factory has informed retailers to raise sugar prices by 20 cents. This price reduction is always slow, but when it comes to raising prices, which is lighting fast. According to New Straits Times, it had mentioned that sugar subsidy reduction should be no excuse for businessman to increase prices of goods. When price of sugar rises, the quantity demanded of sugar will falls and it will make a movement down along the demand curve. It has been shown in the graph above. The price of sugar in Malaysia is amongst the lowest if compared to Singapore, Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia. Therefore, the cost of ingredients of coffee is cheaper if compare with other. Coffee and sugar are considered as complementary goods. If the price of sugar falls, the quantity demanded of sugar will increase, and therefore the demand for coffee will increase too. It can be shown in the graph below. Subsidizing diesel and petrol have been smuggled and abused. In The Star New Online which stories by M. Struart, fisherman had been caught are selling subsidized diesel and petrol to others or using it for their personal use. Some of them just sell the fuel at higher price in order to earn more profits. In the news, a fisherman Mohd Rokbi Daud was unsatisfied with the current system in Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia (LKIM). He said that he go to sea everyday but does not get any fish because of the bad weather. Some of the people just can claim for the subsidized fuel but they do not go to the sea to catch fish and just sit down to get the subsidy that offered by the government. Those fisherman who really hardly to survive because of poor catch; they really need the subsidy in order to survive their family. Therefore, government needs to know who the real fisherman and give the subsidy to the rights one. Rich people with big cars can enjoy more subsidies for fuel compare d to the poor small car. Many off-road vehicles and four-wheel drive vehicles also consume diesel. The rich and the poor have to pay the same tax rate. The poor cannot afford the luxuries products, but the rich people may have bought a lot of luxuries things. Eventually the subsidies are given to the rich rather than the poor. From 2010 to July 2011, the government had allocated for various subsidies and assistance, including the establishment of the KRIM, the Menu Rakyat 1 Malaysia and the 1 Malaysia clinics that the rich one can also be enjoyed these benefits. (Alex Wong CPA Australia Melbourne University, 2012) Appendix: Figure 1 : 1Malaysia book voucher ASSESSMENT CRITERIA (30%) :- No. Evaluation of Written Work Raw Marks Weightage Final marks 1 Demonstration of Knowledge Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the topic assignment 0-2.5 poor, out of topic, no understanding of topic; 3.0-5.0 average, general discussion of topic; 5.5-8.0 good, clear understanding, 8.5-10.0 excellent, deep understanding of topic, /25 2 Good reasoning and critical analysis Clear line of reasoning. Argument is sound and substantial, with significant elements of originality. Ability to identify and use concepts and theories studied to rationalize his/her opinions. Evidence of critical appreciation and evaluation of relevant theory and research and a systematic and creative attempt to relate it to the topic. 0-2.5 poor,; 3.0-5.0 average, 5.5-8.0 good,; 8.5-10.0 excellent, /25 3 Clarity : The whole thread of the argument is clear. The structure is very clear. Shows coherence. Able to and integrate material from other sources in a clear manner. 0-2.5 poor,; 3.0-5.0 average, 5.5-8.0 good,; 8.5-10.0 excellent, /20 4 Evidence of Wide Range of Readings Shows evidence of having read widely by using arguments and facts from various and relevant sources 0-2.5 poor,; 3.0-5.0 average, 5.5-8.0 good,; 8.5-10.0 excellent, /20 5 Overall Presentation : Grammar, style of writing, structure, spelling, referencing and appendices. 0-2.5 poor,; 3.0-5.0 average, 5.5-8.0 good,; 8.5-10.0 excellent, /10 Total 100% /100 Total marks for this component is 30% /30

The Sabotaged Friendship of Authors Ernest Hemingway and Sherwood Ander

The Sabotaged Friendship of Authors Ernest Hemingway and Sherwood Anderson Ernest Hemingway, an intrinsically gifted author in his own right, owes much of his early success to the mentor he befriended and eventually estranged, Sherwood Anderson. Hemingway’s renowned knack for sabotaging personal relationships throughout his life started early with Anderson. The two writers met in a suburb of Chicago named Oak Park while Hemingway worked as an editor for the Cooperative Commonwealth in 1919. Anderson would go on to help Ernest publish his first successful work (inspired by Sherwood’s own writing), In Our Time, but the friendship would come to an abrupt end in 1926 courtesy of Hemingway’s satirical jab at his former mentor in The Torrents of Spring. Sherwood Anderson was a relatively well-established author when he met Ernest Hemingway. Before they encountered one another, Hemingway had already read Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio. Ernest â€Å"was a great admirer of [Anderson’s] work, particularly those tales which had sporting scenes for their backgrounds† (Schevill 153). Whenever the two were around each other, Hemingway was always â€Å"quiet and attentive† (Fenton 104), though Ernest’s friend, Kate Smith recalled: â€Å"It probably means a storm’s brewing† (Fenton 104). Hemingway would internalize all that he learned from his time spent with Anderson in Chicago. The two shared a similar interest in â€Å"sex as a basic human drive,...the examination of youth and its distresses,†¦[and] the importance of emotion and feeling† (Fenton 148). Anderson himself denied ever influencing Hemingway’s work â€Å"as a whole† (Fenton 105). Anderson me rely recognized the talent that Hemingway possessed. Motivated by his appreciation... ...rite to him that he meant the book as a joke, though Sherwood failed to recognize the humor in it. Anderson interpreted the book as a personal insult. The relationship between the two authors was never the same. Later in 1926, the two met in Paris over drinks, but Anderson noted that Hemingway had become â€Å"too self-centered, too concerned with his own career to the exclusion of personal relationships† (Schevill 238). The rift created by the Torrents of Spring would never be mended. Over the years, Anderson remained an avid fan of Hemingway’s work, but their friendship dwindled out of existence. Sherwood Anderson inspired multitudes of young writers: Faulkner, Joyce, Hemingway, Stein, to name a few, with his simple narrative tone and colloquial settings. Anderson served as the perfect mentor in cultivating the talented minds of some of America’s finest writers.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Hikmat Hikmat: Hikmat adalah sikap yang bijaksana dalam menghadapi suatu masalah. Orang yang memiliki hikmat dapat menyelesaikan masalahnya dengan baik. Tidak semua orang yang dapat melakukan hikmat karena ketika orang ketika menghadapi masalah kebanyakan diantara mereka mudah menyerah dan putus asa, mereka memilih untuk mundur dari pada tetap mempertahankannya. Orang yang memiliki atau mempunyai hikmat maka ia dapat mencapai keberhasilan dan mendapatkan apa yang ia mau. Dengan perjuangan orang dapat melakukan apa yang tidak bisa. Saya memilih salah satu orangyang memiliki hikmat yaitu Jackie Chan, karena ketika ia menghadapi masalah ia dapat menyelesaikannya dengan baik dan tidak mudah untuk menyerah. Jackie Chan memiliki bela diri atau kung fu yang baik ia selalu berlatih dengan keras dan tidak mudah untuk menyerah atau mundur. Ia adalah orang yang terkenal dalam bela diri. Ia orang yang terkenal dan ia main di beberapa film, ia adalah pemain yang ada di layar lebar dunia. Saat film dimainkan selalu ada perjuangan dan semangat untuk menolong orang, ketika ia mendapat missi ia selalu member hasil yang baik dan memuaskan. Ia selalu melatih bela dirinya agar ia dapat menguasainya dengan baik. Jackie Chan pernah membuat beberapa lagu dan pernah memainkan beberapa musik. Orang yang memiliki rasa hikmat ia tidak mudah untuk mundur begitu saja karena dengan ia meneruskan apa yang ia inginkan maka ia akan mencapai tujuannya. Orang yang mudah menyerah atau putus asa maka ia akan undur dan tidak dapat mencapai apa yang ia mau dan semua usahanya akan terlewat begitu saja dan gagal. Orang yang memiliki rasa hikmat memiliki semangat juang yang tingi untuk menhadapi masalah. Seberapa besar masalah yang ... ...ihat agama, suku, ras, dan budaya mereka. Marilah menjadi rakyat yang anti-rasis. Jika kita menginginkan negara yang aman dan damai, marilah wujudkan impian itu bersama. Jangan hanya bergantung kepada satu pihak. Semua orang termasuk kita, semuanya bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga kedamaian negeri ini. Jangan sampai kita menyia-nyiakan usaha Gusdur yang luar biasa itu. Milikilah hikmat seperti Gusdur yang dapat mengubahkan negara. Mungkin kita berpikir ,†kita kan bukan pemerintah, bagaimana bisa membawa dampak?† Sebenanrya bisa saja jika kita mau. Jika kamu merasa terlalu berat untuk membuat negara ini damai, ubahlah lingkunganmu supaya menjadi damai. Jika kamu merasa terlalu sulit untuk mengubah dunia, ubahlah negaramu. Jika hal tersebut masih terlalu sulit, coba ubahlah lingkunganmu. Jika itu masih terlalu sulit, cobalah ubah dirimu menjadi seseorang yang lebih baik

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Breaking Down The Metamorphosis Essay -- essays research papers

Breaking Down â€Å"The Metamorphosis†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Franz Kafka’s beginning of his novel, â€Å"The Metamorphosis,† begins with what would seem a climactic moment: â€Å"As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect.† From this point on, the reader is determined to make sense of this transformation. However, the reader later comes to realize that Gregor is actually not an insect, but this metamorphosis into a vermin was purely symbolic. It symbolizes the degrading lifestyle that Gregor leads to support his family. This leads the reader to understand Gregor’s absurd dilemma.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gregor’s insignificant and outcast lifestyle of supporting his family proves that â€Å"the universe is irrational, and man’s place in it is absurd.† This is proven by the fact that Gregor is working to pay off his father’s debts and provide for his family. His work is mundane, and strictly business. Yet, when the metamorphosis of Gregor takes place, his family practically shuns him from their contact. Still however, Gregor’s first thoughts after believing that he is an insect, are to get dressed and go to work. This attitude is seemingly absurd, however Gregor is so deep into trying to help his family, that he makes an attempt at ignoring the impossibility of working.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The idea that â€Å"Humankind is disconnected from reality,† is set in stone by Kafka when he writes about the transformation of Gregor’s families’ lives, and his own. The Samsa’s treated Gregor simply as a means to get out of debt, although the reader comes to realize later that the family was not as bad off as Gregor had believed. Also, the father returns back to work after Gregor cannot, which proves that his disability not nearly as severe as he had Gregor believed. Although Gregor is the family member that turns into a bug, he remains the only one of them to retain humanity. The family cannot grasp that the bug in the bedroom is Gregor, their son and brother. They disconnect themselves from him, forgetting that they have known him his entire life, and once perhaps loved him. After his metamorphosis, Gregor became the member of the family in need, yet instead of helping him, as he helped them, Gregor became a burden to the family. T he family, especially the father and mother do not make an attempt... loving him. Without his initial function, he became an outlaw of family life. Gregor eventually wanted the family to give up all hope in him, a hope that he wanted to exist but did not. â€Å"He thought back on his family with deep emotion and love. His conviction that he would have to disappear was, if possible, even firmer than his sister’s.† Immediately after this line, Gregor Samsa committed suicide. As a the family came to learn of Gregor’s death, the father said, â€Å"Well, now thanks be to God.† The sister appears to not be upset, but rather in a state of disbelief that the burden on their family is finally gone. When Gregor’s mother learns of his death, she questions it, to check the validity, and then tell her daughter to come join them with a â€Å"tremendous smile.† However, it is arguable whether he killed himself, or Gregor died of a broken heart.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story of Gregor Samsa and his metamorphosis is one of sorrow, but more a story to unveil the cruelties of Humankind. Kafka’s brilliance and understanding of human nature can not be fully grasped by quickly reading the story, but instead divulging into the hidden messages Kafka inserts within the text.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Political Science Essay

1) Who is Oedipus? Jocasta? Laius? Theseus? Answer: Oedipus is the son of Laius and Jocasta there was prophet that he was going to kill his father and wed his mother. Laius is the king of Thebes and Oedipus’ father who was killed as a fulfillment on an oracle. Theseus is the king of Athens who takes Oedipus in and protects him after he has suffered greatly. 2) In the play Oedipus Rex, what is the relationship between truth, freedom, identity, and responsibility? Answer: Fate is inescapable. Oedipus learning the truth is him learning his identity and with freedom comes responsibility. 3) What is pollution? OR, why must Oedipus assume responsibility for things he did not know? Answer: Pollution is that for which Oedipus is responsible for. There are consequences for his actions and he must accept them. 4) What does it mean to say that freedom is recognition of necessity? Answer: It means we are never absolutely free. There is always a restraint. 5) In the final analysis, what advice about freedom, fate and the gods is Sophocles giving in Oedipus Rex? Answer: Strive for excellence in a world of constraints, rebel and accept the Gods, bravely acceptthe consequences of one’s actions, and do all of this in reverence and humility. 6) What does it mean to defend freedom on the basis of natural rights? Answer: Natural rights are rights that no person can give us. We have them because we arehuman.To say this is defending it. – Normative way of thinking 7) What does it mean to defend freedom on the basis of utility? Answer: Freedom as a utility are rights that defend the right on grounds of the city rather than ofthe Gods. 8) According to Adrienne Rich, what does a woman need to know to be free? Answer: She needs to know her own history, analysis of her own condition, her politicized female body, and creative genius of women in the past. 9) Whose freedom is Sojourner Truth advocating? Answer: Sojourner Truth is advocating the freedom of African Americans, free slaves, and women 10) According to John Stuart Mill, what is the greatest danger to freedom in a democratic society? Answer: The greatest danger to freedom in a democratic society is social tyranny (public opinion) because it penetrates so deeply into one’s soul that there is no alternative. It feathers the development of individuality (the notion of an autonomous and rationality of the individual). 11) According to Mill, what is the domain of consciousness, or those freedoms that are most precious? Answer: Conscious, Thought/Feeling, Opinion/Sentiment, Expression, Tastes & Pursuits, Unite/Assembly 12) According to Mill, what utility does freedom have for the pursuit of truth? Answer: Partial truths may have some truth, but even truth must be combatted, questioned or it isnothing but prejudice or dogma. 13) According to Mill, what utility does freedom have for the development of individuality? Answer: The individual needs freedom for observation, needs freedom of reason and judgment, freedom to gather information, freedom to discriminate/to decide, and freedom and courage to hold firm to our tastes. 14) According to Mill, what utility does freedom have for the development of a progressive society? Answer: Societies that are possessive of innovation sustain truths and tradition and avoid mediocrity. 15) How does Sophocles portray Oedipus and the issue of guilt/innocence in Oedipus at Colonus? Answer: Oedipus is a stranger in need, he declares his innocence, and Thesesus and Athens offer him gifts. 16) What does Theseus offer to Oedipus in Oedipus at Colonus? Why? Answer: Theseus greets Oedipus with respect and empathy. He asks Oedipus what does he need and offers him hospitality and protection from Creon, Creon’s army, and Polynices. He gives him citizenship and grace. Theseus gives him gifts given by Athens because Theseus was once to in exile. 17) What is the function/importance of a language of the good? Answer: It teaches us what human beings need to achieve their potential. 18) What is Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? How does it compare to Aristotle’s theory of the goods of life? Answer: It is a pyramid showing the balanced goods or â€Å"diet† a human being needs to be happy like self-actualization, belongingness, esteem, safety, and physiological. How it compares idk. 19) Who is Pericles and what are the main principles of his funeral oration? Answer: Pericles is general and orator in Athens. The main principles of his funeral oration are city of freedom, city of empire, and citizenship. 20) What does Pericles have to say about citizenship? Answer: Citizenship requires excellence, public service, reverence for the city (patriotism), respect for authorities and law, military training, beauty, and willingness to die for the city. 21) What is Socrates’ vocation? Answer: He literally disapproves of the oracle which says he is the wisest man. 22) What are the formal charges against Socrates? Answer: The formal charges against Socrates are public opinion. 23) What are the informal charges against Socrates? Answer: He studies things that are above the sky and are below the earth. He makes strong arguments weak and weak arguments strong. He does not believe in the Gods of the city, but one new God. 24) What is Socratic ignorance? Answer: A certain type of wisdom is a certain type of ignorance. You don’t say what you don’t know. 25) What is Socrates’ daimon? Answer: The daimon is the inner God that speaks to him. It is a voice of subjectivity, consciousness, and rational insight. (picture a little angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other trying to tell you what you should do) 26) What is the relationship, in Socrates, of philosophy, death and the heroic tradition? Answer: Socrates does not fear death. He sees it as his characters (an eternal sleep or rejoining with loved one). The soul of one is not at stake. The soul of many is. 27) What does Socrates mean by caring for the soul? Answer: Caring for the soul means avoid injustice, ruthless intellectual honesty, engage in self-examination, and sustain moral energy. 28) What are the characteristics of Socrates’ theory of citizenship? Answer: The characteristics are caring for the soul, moral skepticism/dissent, a strong sense of moral individualism, all of this occurs in socratic ignorance, heroic citizenship (a citizen that does not fear death), and love of the city.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Deaf Event Paper

Deaf Event Paper For my Deaf Event I decided to attend the Silent Dinner at Valley Ranch Barbeque this past Tuesday April 27th, 2010 with my fellow classmate a best friend, Amber Cullens. A few days leading up to the event I was completely nervous I didn’t know what to expect. With only being a beginning sign language one student I was afraid that I would freeze up or sign something that would be offensive or make me look stupid. When we got to Valley Ranch the dinner had already started so we got in line and ordered our food. We then took our seats in the separate banquet type room they put us in for the silent dinner. Everything was so overwhelming at first, everyone was signing so fast we couldn’t keep pace and didn’t want to be rude by asking for help. Thankfully we weren’t alone there were fellow other Lone Star Students there along with High School students. Even Leyel Hudson attended the event which made things even more comfortable for us having a teacher we know around to assist us if needed any help. I can’t believe I stressed so much beforehand about attending, the Houston Deaf Community was very welcoming and helpful when we would sign with them. They made sure to try and go slower for us and some even helped by writing things down on paper so we could keep up. My favorite thing about the event was not just meeting Deaf parents, but the children of Deaf Parents. I met a young 8 year old boy and his older sister who was 12. They have not only learned English but also Sign Language so they can communicate with their parents. They were truly a great inspiration to be around. Attending this Deaf Event has inspired me to attend more not just while I’m enrolled as a student at Lone Star but on my own time. Currently because of attending this event I’m making it my goal to bring Deaf Events to my job, McAlister’s Deli. Overall the experience was one I’ll never forget for the rest of my life.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Hip Hop’s Betrayal on Black Women Essay

In â€Å"Hip Hop’s Betrayal of Black Women†, McLune addresses the influence of hip hop’s choice of words towards African American women and females. McLune’s article is written in response to Powell’s opinions in â€Å"Notes of a Hip Hop Head†, along with various other hip hop artists, that black females are the leading cause of poverty and racism why black men undertake racism and poverty, as if women do not face these struggles from day to day. McLune disagrees with this remark and states that this is just one of many excuses that men use. McLune addresses an audience that is well educated along with informed with the different sexism opinions towards women in our society, though many men feel that some of their statements or opinions are not affecting women. Therefore, McLune’s article deserves to be recognized in PopMatters. With all the arguments and comebacks she had, â€Å"Hip Hop’s Betrayal of Black Women† should be considered for the top prizes for persuasive essays due to the problems that our African American society faces on a daily basis. The energy of McLune’s argument is its energetic appeal to African American women along with different races. Her argument implied that men want women to give in to them and accept the fact that they are being degraded, simply so that men can boost their confidence and masculinity: â€Å"It’s obvious that if these are the winning terms for our creativity, black women are ultimately the losers. And that’s exactly how these self-proclaimed players, thugs, and hip-hop intellectuals want us—on our backs and pledging allegiance to the hip hop nation. (Analytical Writing: A Guide to College Composition 300) McLune also covers the fact that even the hip hop artist â€Å"who have an underground and conscious force in hip hop— like Common, The Roots, Talib Kweli and others— remain inconsistent, apologetic, and even eager to join the mainstream player’s club† (297) She is bothered that they have yet to come forward and defend the women who are being belittled by the misogynistic hip-hop artist. By expressing this with the African American society of women who are ontinuously torched by the demanding words of men, McLune appeals strongly to all American women’s intellect of equality and respect. Women should not have to be judged by men and expect to be treated as if they owe anyone something, let alone have to be mistreated and belittled, if that were to be the case then men should be treated the same, therefore McLune’s audience, should understand that that is not how you define a black woman in any terms. This denotation to the silent cries supports for an emotional appeal to an example of the silent cries in African American women. As stated in the title, Powell is aware that black women are merely being betrayed in the hip-hop industry and simply states that the choice of words that hip-hop artist chose to rap about is simply â€Å"the ghetto blues, urban folk art, a cry out for help. † (298) and it is rubbing off on almost every man in our American society and giving them a different perspective of women all because women refuse to speak out and speak up. As a result, female rappers are often just as male-identified, violent, materialistic, and ignorant as their male peers. † (298). Over 100 years ago, women were not even allowed to vote, the closest they got to voting was sitting there and watching. They were not allowed to work, they were forced to be stay at home wives while their husbands went out and worked hard to provide for the family. They also didn’t h ave the opportunity to speak up for themselves, it was known as a man’s duty. As you see in â€Å"Hip Hop’s Betrayal of Black Women† McLune states that women still sit back in silence in accept the belittling words that men throw at them through their lyrics. Hip hop did not evolve from speaking down on females, it started out as a way suppress differences between two rivalries or to speak on behalf of shortcomings and mishaps in the past. This comes to question our audience why it is that hip hop has transformed into a way of lashing out a man’s anger towards a woman and how their imaginative character dreams to look at women. We can look at the past years when women were not given the opportunity to make their own decisions and to speak on behalf of themselves, also how and why did hip hop change its meaning behind music. McLune provides a great example to the female hip hop artist as to why they would chose to be viewed in the same eyes that the misogynistic hip hop male artist are viewed. Also as to why after so many years why is that men still have the upper hand. She does this by bringing up the point from Powell’s socioeconomic explanation for the sexism in hip-hop is a way to silence feminist critiques of the culture. It is to make an understanding of the misogynistic objectification of black women in hip-hop so elusive that we can’t grasp it long enough to wring the neck of its power over us (297). From this information, we can conclude that is very much true, because most females will accept the belittling comments rather than words of wisdom and motivation. Because McLune gives great appeals to the not only the African American society, but the various races, her article deserves to be one of the top prized persuasive essays in PopMatters. It can be used as an example to our upcoming generation of young men to not treat or speak down on a young lady as something they hear in a rap song. McLune’s article demonstrates why women, especially African American women should speak up and out regardless of what the outcome will be. Her argument would have been more effective have she spoke about all the other races seen in videos because it’s not just black females now.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Feminism and Art Essay

Feminist activity had been a rising concern in the late 1900’s which is based merely off of the emotional significance of personal and psychological reasoning. Rather than reacting on this issue based on historical evidence, the issue is based on immediate needs on the feminist attack. Linda Nochlin, and other important scholars and philosophers explain the psychology, philosophy, sociology, and history of art and the feminist movement pertaining to art. Linda Nochlin was the author of this piece, and used both her own knowledge to write this piece, as well as other scholars and philosophers arguments, injected them into her writing, and elaborated on their ideas and arguments. When pertaining to psychology, the issues mentioned and elaborated on were how women were rejected, which led to their thoughts, feelings, and emotions being affected. Because of this, this changed their way of interpreting things, and their views of things were different from men. From a philosophical stand point, Nochlin refers to John Stuart Mill who says that he suggests that we tend to accept things that come natural to us, or that are natural, like male domination; this means that males dominate over women, and women having no say in anything, accept what is natural because back in the day, male domination was a normal thing to women and was a natural behavior. Thinking about sociology, in society, men had to work and had to be educated. Women on the other hand were not allowed and treated as objects, and stayed home to have children and to continue on the male name. â€Å"In general, women’s experience and situation in society, and hence as artists, is different from men’s, and certainly the art produced by a group of consciously united and purposefully articulate women intent on bodying forth a group of consciousness of feminine experience might indeed be stylistically identifiable as feminists, if not feminine art. † Historically, women weren’t allowed to be educated unless they were wealthy, or had and greater importance over other women. This is why women didn’t know how to paint because they weren’t allowed to learn how, this is also why there were not so many women artists back then, and if there were, they were not well known. An important question that has been posed multiple times within this piece was, â€Å"Why have there been no great women artists? † 3 3 â€Å"Why have there been no great women artists† is what Linda is arguing. Her argument is that there are no great women artists that compare to all of these great and well-known artists that art historians study. These famous artists studied today are, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Delacroix, Cezanne, Picasso, Matisse, etc. Linda also states that it is in human nature that men dominate women. It is an instinct that has been created ever since humans walked this earth, and is something that is still being battled today. By answering the question, â€Å"Why have there been no great women artists†, which has been questioned by many, Linda proves her arguments by referring to many who have either answered, or attempted to answer this question. Those who have either done it or attempted it are: John Stuart Mill, Artemisia Gentileschi, and Mary Ellmann. All of these theorists/writers attempted to answer the same exact question by simply reinforcing the negative implications, or by saying that there is a different kind of greatness that exists for women, and also how experiences that women go through in society affects their art, which may mean that they were not accepted by the great viewers, which were men. Men and women have different values and interpretation of art, and to men, women’s art was nothing. When structure of this essay is concerned, it is in fact structured in a number of 4 4 ways which include, historical events, arguments, theories, and facts. The argument is pronounced using different methods, which explains subjects using points from the other scholars and their explanations. Initially, the argument made was intangible, later it becomes clear when Nochlin first talks about the battle against feminism, and how it has been around for years, even decades. Later, she begins to say how feminism caused such emotional, and psychological damage and pain to women for a long period of time. Many reasons why feminism had occurred was explored by Nochlin, and answered the question by John Stuart Mill’s response to male dominancy. Her reasoning for why there were no famous female artists was because of men, and how they overruled women in society; her argument was supported with many arguments written from other writers in the past. At the end of each of her arguments, she ends with the famous question, â€Å"Why have there been no great women artists†, and leaves it to be answered by another writer. Many say it is in male nature to dominate, or maybe women just can’t achieve as much greatness as men. Maybe women paint from their psychological views of things, and this was frowned upon by men; women were not allowed to think, let alone paint about what they were thinking. When comparing known women artists to well known male artists, no woman artist compares to the master of art, Michelangelo. The next division of this essay was â€Å"The Question of the Nudes. † â€Å" We can now approach our question from a more reasonable standpoint, since it seems probable that the answer to why there have been no great women artists lies not in the nature of individual genius or lack of it, but in the nature of given institutions and what they forbid or encouraged in various classes or group of individuals†, p. 158. Since the 1800’s, nude models were females, and would go to school to help the new and sprouting artists to learn and practice art. Females who wanted to participate and learn to paint the human body were rejected because society did not allow women to look at another female or male nude. Men were allowed to study the female nude because to them, they were objects. However, male nudes (models) were never classified as objects. â€Å"As late as 1893, â€Å"lady† students were not admitted to life drawing at the Royal Academy in London, and even when they were, after that date, the model had to be â€Å"partially draped. † P. 158. Women had very little knowledge in painting and therefore were quite timid because of all the pressure that was placed on them by the society, and most commonly, men. Many of those who studied nude models and produced nude figure drawings later became doctors, and professional artists; once again women were not permitted to become either of those. In order to become a professional artist, however, you needed to be good in literature, and had to have knowledge of many techniques. It was uncommon for women to be educated because school’s had high expectations. There were consequences if a woman wanted to be a painter. If you were a woman painter, and were substantially committed to painting, you were expected to forget about having a future. This included a husband, family, career, etc. This was the case in the 19th century because women â€Å"couldn’t focus† on more than one thing at a time according to men and society, therefore our only options were to become a painter and have no outside life, or forget about being a painter and have a family. Women had come a long way by this time, and women were allowed to play music, sculpt, and draw, but were considered weak, and couldn’t pursue any labor work. One of the great women artists, Maurice Bompard, suffered greatly with her paintings because society classified them as being too sexual, and not serious enough; she struggled greatly to achieve the greatness she deserved. Rosa Bonheur was another well known woman artist, and her success changed the view of society on women artists, but still struggled because of her gender. Her father was a drawing master, so she loved to draw and paint at an early age. Rosa created a new style of painting in the 19th century, and this was to paint in smaller scale. She has the ability to capture naturalism, soul, and individuality, and was well known for her â€Å"Barbizon† landscapes. 6 , 6 The rhetorical method in this piece would be repeating the question, â€Å"Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists†, and this depicts the importance of this issue which has been raised by all of the philosophers, writers, and art historians that have been attempting to answer this question for decades. The tone of voice used in the essay is persuasion, frustration, and even determination, and this makes it easier for the reader to understand and illustrate what exactly the issue is and how important it is. In Nochlin’s â€Å"Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists†, she states the importance of women’s history, and makes women aware of how grateful they should be with everything women are allowed to do today. Because of those many strong women who stood up for what they believed in, women today have equal rights to men, and can pursue any path they so wish to take.

A Biographical Sketch of Arnold Schoenberg Research Paper

A Biographical Sketch of Arnold Schoenberg - Research Paper Example The artist composed music in different styles attracting a mixture of reactions from the audience including students, friends, and other Viennese audiences. Some of his works later contributed to hatred from his musical enemies. The early life and music Arnold Schoenberg was born to a merchant Samuel Schoenberg and Pauline in Vienna, Austria, on September 13, 1874 (ThinkQuest, para.1). Schoenberg was born in a family that had no particular musical history (Rovi Corporation, para.2). His father died in 1890 when he was aged 16 after which he became an apprentice with some bank shortly. As such, he had to learn much of the music styles through self-teaching and reliance on friends. The artist learnt to play violin and began to compose at the early age of eight years (ThinkQuest, para.1). He had shown aptitude for music composition at the early age. He also began to learn and acquire skills from his friends. One of the artists who helped him develop his talents was Oskar Adler, who gave him rudimentary instructions in harmony and counterpoint (Rovi Corporation, para.2). In 1891, Schoenberg joined the orchestra â€Å"Polyhymnia† and met Alexander von Zemlinsky, the conductor of the orchestra; they would be friends throughout their lives (ThinkQuest, para.1). Zemlinsky, who would later be his brother-in-law, taught Schoenberg composition skills. This was the only formal instruction of this nature that the artist received in music. The early works of the artist in this career involved teaching privately and in other institutions and occasionally orchestrating operettas. He was a conductor of the metalworker-choir. Schoenberg got married to Zemlinsky’s sister, Mathilde, in 1901 and he moved with his wife to Berlin. The marriage was shaken at one point whereby Mathilde got married to another artist. They reunited later before her death in 1923. Schoenberg later got married ten months later to another woman, a sister to another artist. Music styles Schoenb erg developed his first original composition, some few piano pieces, at the age of twenty. The early musical compositions by this artist bore the image of the German Romanticism. This was particularly evident in his first composition Verklarte Nacht, Op.4 composed in 1899. This work was romantic and rich in harmony and color making this earlier work to be easy to comprehend and listen to (ThinkQuest, para.7). In the later developments, the artist concentrated in atonal music that did not have the structure of the traditional tonality. This formed the basis of criticism from his detractors. Nonetheless, the style attracted a large faithful following. He became an instructor in music. Some of the active followers would later become his pupils after establishing his private institution. The two most identifiable pupils of the artist are Alban Berg an Anton Webern. The two pupils developed their skills in music and would later match their trainer in style and composition ability. Workin g together, the three musical composers were the corner stones in the development of the atonal and 12-tone music that rocked the music industry in the first half of the twentieth century While in Berlin, Schoenberg was appointed to teach at Stern Academy in Berlin (ThinkQuest, para.3). In 1903, he returned to Vienna and established a private teaching academy. Berg and Webern became his first pupil. Schoenberg received further support from Zemlensky and another friend, Gustav Mahler, towards the real composition of atonal pieces (ThinkQuest) Gustav Mahler was the director of court opera. Schoenberg had now begun to move away from tonality towards atonal composition. He later composed some works and performed in a legendary in

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Leadership - Essay Example Trust from others – a leader has to develop the trust from his/her constituency. In a soccer game if the couch has given specific instructions of how a game strategy should be followed, all team members must trust that this strategy is going to be followed out in the field; Think creatively and objectively – a leader needs to create situations that will enhance the outcome results and be objective in the process. This creative thinking and objectivity may be discussed with the coach and the team members during practice for field performance; Partnership – a leader needs to make adjustments in his/her role and use the avant-garde posture: horizontal and vertical communication and make everyone feel that they are the owners of their fate and as such they are responsible for their actions. If a soccer player is not in place to receive the ball, an alternative player may be the receiver of the ball until the player is in place to perform the strategy that was delineated; Justice to think fairly – a leader should be able to balance criteria so that a fair view of different situations is present. A player may not feel well, therefore, his/her performance may not be up to par during a given

Monday, August 12, 2019

Corporate Governance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Corporate Governance - Assignment Example suring proper corporate governance ensure that they operate in accordance with the existing business ethics and that they remain socially responsible (Goodman & Schwartz 2013, p. 67). The board of governors is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that all the systems of corporate governance are functional, and that all shareholders and the stakeholders are well protected. In addition, successful corporate governance is exhibited by the commitment of the board of governors in carrying out transparent transactions and ensuring that the company registers value and minimal risks. This high level of commitment ensures that the no stakeholder interest is compromised. Corporate governance is a concept that emerged in the early years when ownership and management of companies became separate entities. However, the concept was fully described in the 1990s because of numerous scandals that surrounded many companies. In the modern day, it is a critical concept in the business world (Bouba ker, Nguyen, & Nguyen 2012, p. 38). A close analysis of one of the global leading companies and its corporate governance strategies will serve to shed more light on the criticality of this concept. BP Plc is a multinational oil and gas company whose headquarters are in London United Kingdom. The company has been ranked in the top ten oil and gas companies and qualifies to be under the category of â€Å"super majors† in the industry. The company has existed for over a century since it was established in 1909. Over the years, the company has registered remarkable success extending its operations to about 80 countries according to the 2013 statistics (New Report Provides an In-depth Company Profile for Multinational Oil Company BP Plc 2007, n.p). BP Plc is one of the companies that can provide highlights on different aspects of the corporate governance. BP plc is an established company with evident business strategies, and diverse range of stakeholders that need its protection. Moreover,

Sunday, August 11, 2019

History Of The Internet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History Of The Internet - Assignment Example 263). The early traces of internet can be found towards the 1970s when it was primarily used for the defense purposes in United States. The concept of common man using it was a mere illusion and no one could have imagined it. Its primary function and usage for shifted to the satellites systems for navigating and communicating with the towers and equipment installed at a distance of thousands of miles from the surface of earth. The M.I.T, I.B.M and A.T.& T were few of the pioneers who provided assistance and support in the early days of internet becoming a common and relatively known concept. It was the commercialization of the concept and technology which soon led to the entailment of the technology of internet becoming public and commercial. This came about in the form of World Wide Web becoming a common concept where the slow transition was seen towards people using it. In the initial days the transmission of internet was relatively slow and limited to the analogue mode of communications. The speeds so offered were relatively slow in terms of Kilo bits per second and providing support and connectivity to the limited number of users. United States of America, its commercial enterprises, the telephony supporting systems and the students and the universities have a considerable role with regard to the overall progress the internet has made. The World Wide Web and the establishment of the T.C.P/ I.P layer support system under the name of I.T.U enabled gaining further progress with regard to bringing about a medium of wireless technology and communication which would enable people getting connected despite being at a large distance from one another. The major step of the world wide web came about in the year 1991-1992 when the venture was formally undertaken by set of students who through their own launched browser gave the technology a new touch in the form of Mosaic browser. This was the first step

Saturday, August 10, 2019

A Study of Aristotelian tragedy in Oedipus Essay

A Study of Aristotelian tragedy in Oedipus - Essay Example One of Aristotle’s most influential works concerning literary theory is his Poetics. In it he articulates with eloquence and clarity various facets of good theatre. Tragedy is acknowledged as a powerful genre of drama. Aristotle goes on to set out various rules of thumb for making aesthetically and emotionally satisfying tragedies. His concise definition of tragedy is that it is â€Å"an imitation of an action that is serious ... with incidents arousing pity and fear, in order to accomplish the catharsis of such emotions." (Botton 20) He was in opposition to Plato’s critical and disparaging view of theater. Plato had earlier set the debate rolling in The Republic, stating that poets and other artists should be banned from civil society because they induced excessive emotional responses in audiences which countered calm reasoning. Aristotle rebutted this assertion in Poetics, stating that â€Å"although watching tragedies raised emotions, it also purged them. An audien ce would come away from Oedipus humbled, keen to be better and wiser.† (Botton 20) In many ways, Oedipus satisfies the Aristotelian conception of the tragic hero. For example, the tragic hero is someone who feels responsible for his actions and is conscious of ethical merits and demerits associated with them. In Sophocles’ Oedipus, we see that the author does not contemplate either the acknowledgement of guilt or the blinding. Instead, â€Å"awareness and blinding will be present in Aeschylus because his Oedipus must not see both 'what he suffered and the bad he did'. According to the author, the individual responsibility celebrated by tragedy is the expression of a people who do not tell history any more, but are aware of making it: a process that Plato could not-or did not want to-recognize, claiming to read tragedy like the continuation of old myths and of old stories, rather than like a new way to tell them again, to involve oneself and to involve us with them in a different way.† ... ould not-or did not want to-recognize, claiming to read tragedy like the continuation of old myths and of old stories, rather than like a new way to tell them again, to involve oneself and to involve us with them in a different way.† (Goretti 1305) What we also witness in Oedipus is a dimension of the tragic hero engaged in praxis. In Aristotle’s conception of tragedy there is an underlying conflict between ‘absolute necessity’ and ‘freedom’. This is amply evident in crucial life events of Oedipus, who, as the story progresses, is compelled to implement his own demise. For Aristotle, tragedy allows Greeks â€Å"to bear the unbearable contradiction that for thought would remain incomprehensible: 'the attestation, even in the loss of freedom, of this same freedom'†. (Goretti 1306)Though we do not find direct mention of concepts such as ‘will’ and ‘responsibility’ in the Poetics, â€Å"when Aristotle must indicate the ones who act the tragic action, for him 'hoi prattonese' is not sufficient, but he adds 'kai drontes'. The problem of freedom involves the problem of evil: the evil one does, the evil one suffers or the evil that is anyway committed.† (Goretti 1306) In the case of Oedipus, he is clearly aware of how evil forces are acting upon his life – some of which is caused by his own agency. To the coryphaeus who questions him on what a horrible action he has committed and on which god has induced him, Oedipus answers, â€Å"'It was Apollo', and then, a little afterwards, 'It was me, miserable, who did it'.† (Jones 45) According to Aristotle, a sense of foreboding and inevitability makes for effective tragedy. Throughout the story, there are numerous crucial decisions taken by Oedipus, which led up to his inevitable demise. Oedipus is not himself

Friday, August 9, 2019

CISCO Systems Inc Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

CISCO Systems Inc - Research Paper Example The company operates through data center operations management services, which assists the customers in accelerating the operational success by employing new technologies and solves the problems that arise in the due course of time. The Data Center Services for Operations Enablement of CISCO includes many voluntary modules, which assist in accelerating the operational maturity of the Data Center management processes. The three main domains of operation such as plan, build and manage are significant in the company. The services aim at addressing the challenges that are associated with the operational processes and tools. This requires assessment of data effectively and efficiently in the data center. The business operation of CISCO has undergone huge changes and is also encountering modifications presently so that they can sell the bundles of solutions in high prices. The offered solution bundles need changes in credit selling, revenue attribution, supply chain and order processing (CISCO Systems Inc., 2014a; CISCO Systems Inc., 2014c). Analysis of operations transformation process of CISCO One of the main competitive advantages of CISCO is its ability to offer architectures of different products related to collaboration, mobility, borderless networks, and security. The transformation process of the service that is taken into account is Wireless LAN (CISCO Systems Inc. 2014b). The process considers the designing and sale of the solutions of the products that are developed by the units or partners of the unit.